There are 3 ways to help you find the products you want.
No.1 : Image sourcing
Upload a picture of your product.

Wait for a few seconds until the result comes out.

We suggest you choose the recommended products, as they are from qualified suppliers and are often at better prices. You can directly click the Buy it now button to take a test order, or List to your store.

Otherwise, if you choose to import products from other suppliers, PLEASE NOTE that the product will be inspected by Sup after some time, which may cause changes in shipping price, as original information may not be precise.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to check your imported products list and list it to your store.

You may change all details of the product here, and be sure to set up the price for all variants.
You can set the price for all variants in bulk by inputing figure in the Set Price bar.
The Translate button can be used to turn most of the descriptions and specifications into English.
NOTE: The Chinese words in description pictures can not be translated, you can contact our customer service for assistance.

Make sure everything is done, and agree to our terms & policy, then you can click the list it to store button at the bottom to submit listing request.
Wait until the result page comes out, and you can go to check it in your store now!

No.2: Placing Sourcing Requests
a. Source for products already in your store
Want to find a better price for the products from your store? Click Source for me and tell us your expected cost. We’ll handle the sourcing and send the best quotes to you.

You can check out status of your requests in the Sourcing Results Column.

If your product is successfully found, you can click on the View button, and click on the replied product address. Here we take another product for example.

You can list the product to store or purchase a test order on the product page.

b. Find new products for your store
If you would like to find a new product for your store, switch to FIND NEW PRODUCT tab.

Fill in as much information as possible, as this will speed up the process of finding your product.
The results are also shown in the Sourcing Results Column.
No.3: Source from other sites
If you find any products interested from other wholesale supplying sites like, you can import it to your list here.
Copy and paste the link of product page, or simply search with the keywords from the product name.

NOTE: Don’t forget to list the imported products to your store!
Enjoy Sup Dropshipping, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.