• August 26, 2023

TikTok Ads for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Success in 2024

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Source: istock
Source: istock

Thinking about using TikTok Ads for your brand or business?

In our previous post on TikTok influencer marketing, we explored some of the reasons for the app’s popularity as well as how to run a successful TikTok influencer campaign. Besides this marketing tactic, you can also invest in advertising on TikTok to further boost your brand’s impact on the app’s audience.

Wondering how to run ads on TikTok? We’ve put together this complete guide to show you the basics of TikTok ads and how to create ads on TikTok.

TikTok Ads 101

What are TikTok ads

TikTok ads are promoted content (usually a full-screen video) that a brand or creator pays to show to a specified target audience. From targeting, ad creation, insight reporting, and ad management tools, TikTok ads provide a powerful, easy-to-use platform to reach its extensive user base.

With TikTok ads, you can create various types of campaigns, including video ads, image ads, branded hashtags, and challenges. These campaigns can be customized with creative elements, captions, and call-to-action buttons to engage users and drive specific actions. TikTok ads platform also offers targeting options to help you reach the desired audience based on factors such as demographics, interests, and location.

Additionally, you’re capable of tracking the performance of the campaigns through TikTok’s analytics and reporting features, which provide insights on impressions, engagement, clicks, and other key metrics.

TikTok ads
TikTok ads

Types of TikTok ads

TikTok offers a variety of different creative ad formats for brands and businesses to explore. Here are some of the main types of TikTok ads:

  • In-Feed Ads: These are full-screen vertical video ads that appear in the user’s “For You” feed as they scroll through TikTok. In-Feed Ads can be up to 60 seconds long and can include various interactive elements, such as clickable links and call-to-action buttons.
  • Brand Takeover Ads: Brand Takeover Ads are full-screen ads that appear when a user opens the TikTok app. These ads can be images, GIFs, or short videos, and they provide a highly visible and attention-grabbing placement. Only one advertiser is allowed per day in each category, making it a premium ad option.
  • TopView Ads: Similar to Brand Takeover Ads, TopView Ads are also displayed when users open the TikTok app. However, instead of immediately appearing, TopView Ads start with a few seconds of a Brand Takeover Ad and then transition into an in-feed video ad.
  • Spark Ads: Spark Ads harnesses the creativity of fans by turning user-generated content into ads. This is TikTok’s answer to native ads, allowing businesses to sponsor organic content relating to their brand.
  • Branded Hashtag Challenges: Branded Hashtag Challenges encourage users to create content related to a specific brand or campaign hashtag. Advertisers can create their own challenge and promote it through sponsored banners on the TikTok Discover page.
  • Branded Effects: TikTok offers a range of special effects, filters, and stickers that can be branded by advertisers. By creating custom effects, businesses can enhance their brand presence and encourage users to engage with their content by using these branded effects in their own videos.
Source: istock
Source: istock

TikTok ads specs

Make sure your TikTok ads are the right size, shape, and format to set you up for social media success. A complete list is available in TikTok’s help center, but here are some highlights: 

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9 (vertical video looks best)
  • Video resolution: Must be ≥ 540 x 960 px, ≥ 640 x 640 px, or ≥ 960 x 540 px
  • File type: .mp4, .mov, .mpeg, .3gp, or .avi
  • Length: 5 to 60 seconds (TikTok recommends 9 to 15 seconds for best results)
  • File size: Up to 500MB

How much do TikTok ads cost

TikTok uses an auction and bidding model when it comes to ads. That means you decide how much you pay per video view, click, or impression. While you can spend as much as you want based on your optimization goals, there’s a minimum spend on both campaigns and ad groups. To ensure that your ads have sufficient budget, the minimum budget at the campaign level is $50 and the minimum budget at the ad group level is $20.

TikTok bidding methods

Currently, TikTok Ads Manager provides four different bidding methods:

  • Cost per Mille/Thousand Impressions (CPM)
  • Optimized Cost per Mille/Thousand Impressions (OCPM)
  • Cost per Thousand Views (CPV)
  • Cost per Click (CPC)

TikTok bidding strategies

TikTok ads manager supports three bidding strategies:

  • Bid Cap (manual): Fine-grained control over the maximum bid used within the auction.
  • Cost Cap (goal-based): Control the average cost per result from the auction.
  • Lowest Cost (spend-based): Maximize the number of results for your budget.

How to Create Your First TikTok Ad in 5 Steps

Now that you know the basics of TikTok ads, let’s take a look at how to set them up from your TikTok ad account.

Step 1: Create your TikTok ad account

1. To launch your ad campaign, go to TikTok for Business and click “Create now”.

Create now
Create now

2. Fill in the registration form. You can choose to register by email or phone number.

Sign up
Sign up

3. Enter some basic information about your business, and click “Submit”.

Fill in your business information1
Fill in your business information1
Fill in your business information2
Fill in your business information2

4. Once your brand is approved, log in to your dashboard and finish the initial account setup according to the instructions. Then you can follow the steps below to create TikTok ads.

Log in
Log in

Step 2: Set up a new campaign

1. Create an ad campaign under the “Campaign” tab and click on the “Create” button.

Create a new campaign
Create a new campaign

2. You have two options for creating campaigns in the TikTok Ad Manager: simplified mode and custom mode. Simplified mode is a more basic program and Custom mode allows you to set more complex configurations. For this example, we’re using Custom, but the instructions are similar for both options.

Choose a campaign mode
Choose a campaign mode

Step 3: Set your advertising objective

1. To make it easier for you to achieve your marketing goals, TikTok lets you choose an objective at the very beginning of the ad creation process. TikTok’s Ad Manager has three goals:

Awareness: reach

Consideration: traffic, video views, community interaction

Conversion: app promotion, lead generation, website conversions

Choose an objective
Choose an objective

Step 4: Create an Ad Group

1. First, name your ad group. If you click advanced settings under placement, you can also choose whether users are able to comment on, download, and share your video ads.

Name your ad group
Name your ad group

2. Next, select your target audience for this ad. You can choose demographics like location, gender, age group, languages, spending power, and household income as well as the most advanced targets like audience, interests & behaviours, and devices used.

Select your target audience
Select your target audience

3. The next parameters to set are budget and schedule. Your daily budget is the maximum amount you can spend in a day on this particular ad group. The minimum daily budget is $20. You can also set how long you want your ad to run for, and whether you want the ad to run at all times of the day or at specific times of the day.

Set your ad group budget and schedule
Set your ad group budget and schedule

4. The last step in the process of creating a new ad group on TikTok is bidding and optimization, which allows you to decide how much you’ll pay per metric. Depending on the goal you choose, metrics and costs can vary.

Set your bidding and optimization
Set your bidding and optimization

Step 5: Submit Your Ad

1. This is where you upload your content, write a caption, and choose your identity.

Upload your content
Upload your content

2. Set your destination page to your brand’s website or use instant pages to link to an in-app page. You can also add a legal disclaimer, if appropriate.

Set your destination page
Set your destination page

3. This step is optional. If you want, you can track events on your website, app, or third-party sites.

Determine your tracking
Determine your tracking

4. Hit ”Submit” to send your ad to TikTok for review. According to the platform, most submitted ads are reviewed in about 24 hours.

TikTok advertising best practices

You’ve created your first TikTok ad, but you might still be unsure about how to make it great or how to effectively drive sales. Don’t worry, here are 5 simple and actionable tips to help your ads succeed on TikTok. 

1. Define your goal

Before diving into TikTok advertising, ask yourself ” What do I want to achieve with my TikTok ads?” Are you looking to increase website traffic, boost brand awareness, boost sales, or increase engagement? Having a clear goal will guide your content creation. 

If your goal is to drive sales, your content might include a strong call to action like “Shop now” with a link to your product page. If brand awareness is your goal, focus on storytelling and creating memorable content.

define your goal
Source: Envato elements

2. Create engaging content

Creating engaging content is the key to capturing the attention of TikTok viewers. Here are some tips about creating engaging content:

Know your audience

Understanding your audience is essential. Since you have selected your target audience before, your ads will be placed with these people. Think about:  What are their interests? What types of content do they engage with? What trend do they follow? 

For instance, if your target audience is teenagers interested in fashion, your content should reflect the latest fashion trends and styles they love.

Stay current on trends 

TikTok is all about trends that move quickly. Keep an eye on trending sounds, hashtags, and challenges. Incorporating them into your ads can help you reach a broader audience and stay relevant to users. 

For example, If a dance challenge is trending, consider how your product or brand can be showcased within that trend.

Use a strong call to action

Every ad needs a clear and compelling call to action(CTA). Whether it’s “Buy Now,” “Learn More,” or “Download,” make sure your audience knows what to do next. 

For instance, if you’re promoting a new app, a CTA like “Download Now for Exclusive Features” can drive action.

User-generated content

Encourage consumers to post videos or images about your brand on social media. People trust real reviews and experiences from other consumers. User-generated content(UGC) can be repurposed in your ads, making them more authentic and relatable. 

For example, if a customer posts a video of themselves using your product, you can feature that video in your ad to show real-life usage.

Read more: How to set up TikTok Shop in 2024: the Ultimate Tutorial for Beginners

Source: TikTok

3. Use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing can give your brand a significant boost. They have a huge stable fan base that trusts their recommendations.

When choosing influencers to collaborate with, ensure their followers align with your target audience. For instance, if you sell fitness products, partnering with a fitness influencer whose followers are interested in health and wellness can be highly effective.

influencer marketing
Source: Envato elements

4. Optimize advertising campaign

To get the most out of your TikTok ads, continuous optimization is important. Here are some tips.

Use TikTok analytics

Track how your ads are performing using TikTok’s analytics.

On the TikTok analytics page, you’ll find a set of data- total views, total engagement, follower growth, top posts, and so on, that give insights into how your content performs. 

Using this data, if certain content is performing well on various types of data, consider continuing to create it and keep tweaking it. If your ad isn’t reaching the audience you want, adjust your ad targeting. Expanding or narrowing your audience criteria to make sure you’re reaching the right audience.

TikTok analytics
Source: TikTok

Use TikTok Pixel

TikTok Pixel is a powerful tool for tracking user behavior. By installing the TikTok Pixel on your website, you can track conversions and optimize ad delivery. This data helps refine your targeting and improve ad performance. 

For example, if you notice a high conversion rate from a specific audience segment, you can allocate more budget to target that segment.

TikTok Pixel
Source: TikTok

A/B testing

A/B testing is a tool in TikTok Ads Manager that lets you compare two different ads to see which one works better. By analyzing metrics like click-through rate and conversion rate, you can find out which ads are the most effective and give you the best return on your money.

For example, you might test two different CTAs(calls to action) to see which one drives more sales. Through this way, you can optimize your future ad campaigns.

Source: TikTok

5. Avoid common mistakes

Even the most experienced marketers make mistakes. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when creating TikTok ads:

  • Ignoring platform culture: TikTok is all about creativity and authenticity. Ads that feel too salesy might not connect with users. Embrace the fun nature of the platform and create content that feels authentic.
  • Overlooking mobile optimization: Since TikTok thrives on mobile, it’s key to optimize your ads accordingly. Use vertical videos that fit the screen perfectly and ensure text and visuals are clear on smaller displays.
  • Overlooking analytics: Keep an eye on your ad performance. Skipping analytics could mean wasting money and missing out on opportunities. Regularly check your stats to make smart, data-driven choices for your marketing.
  • Inconsistent Branding: While being creative is important, consistency is just as crucial. Ensure your ads reflect your brand’s voice, style, and message. This builds a unified brand identity that resonates with your audience.

Recommended read: How to dropship on TikTok with SupDropshipping?

By following these best practices, you can create effective TikTok ads that connect with your audience and achieve your marketing goals.

TikTok Ads FAQs

How do TikTok ads work?

TikTok ads work by targeting viewers based on behaviors, interests, and demographics. Advertisers define their goals, choose ad formats, target specific audiences, create engaging ad content, set bids and budgets, monitor performance, and optimize campaigns based on results. The ads are then shown to the target audience in the form of sponsored videos, ads in the For You feed, hashtag challenges, or promoted trends.

Is TikTok advertising worth it?

TikTok advertising can be worth it for businesses targeting a younger demographic, seeking to increase brand awareness and take advantage of the platform’s highly engaging content format. However, it’s important to evaluate how well TikTok aligns with your specific business goals and target audience before investing in advertising on the platform.

Also, it’s important to plan your TikTok campaign carefully and track the results to ensure you’re getting the most out of your ad spend. If you have the proper marketing strategy and competitive bids, TikTok ads can absolutely be worth the investment.

Are TikTok ads successful?

As part of a marketing strategy, TikTok ads can bring success to businesses. With a large and engaged user base, creative ad formats, targeted ad options, and viral reach, TikTok ads have the potential to generate brand awareness, drive engagement, and deliver positive results. However, the success of TikTok ads ultimately depends on factors such as campaign strategy, ad quality, relevance to the target audience, and effective targeting and optimization.

Additionally, optimizing your profile, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with followers can help boost your TikTok advertising’s effectiveness.

Finishing Up

The user base of TikTok continues to outpace all other social media platforms, creating an enormous opportunity to generate sales and boost your brand through the platform. If you want to maximize visibility, increase your ROI, and boost your social media reach, then try TikTok ads.

TikTok Ads is suitable for all businesses on the platform, it’s easy to get started, and since you don’t need a huge campaign budget, it’s accessible for startups and small businesses. To succeed with TikTok ads, you need to consistently measure, review, and learn from your campaigns to better inform future ones. 

Are you using TikTok for business? Have you made a sale using TikTok ads? Tell us about it in the comments below.

About the Author

Jack Han
Jack Han

Jack is a SEO manager and blog writer at Sup Dropshipping. He holds an MA in Linguistics and Education. He has got over 10 years experience in E-commerce, and 5 years of experience in SEO. Jack is an enthusiast to share his recent knowledge learnt from peer experts in the industry.

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